Make Life Happen

Arka Leadership
3 min readDec 24, 2021

My soul feels alive when I try new activities, experiment with new ventures, learn new skills, allow possibilities to emerge. In fact, every year I make a resolution to invite freshness into my life. The great part of this attitude is that I live life passionately and to the fullest, I learn new disciplines, discover new attributes and meet new people. The challenge is that I am always looking for the next adventure and stretching my boundaries. Since I thrive on being an explorer, I have to work through my fears and make peace with the pain that comes with this way of living.

My life is filled with excitement, change, risk, unknowns. Am I reckless, no. Am I fearless, yes! I enjoy taking risks, sometimes spontaneously and sometimes calculated. I am able to take leaps of faith because I have spent the last 16 years anchoring internally with my inner voice. Life will always be uncertain. It about enjoying the roller coaster ride, whether screaming or laughing or both. I am bound to feel the plethora of emotions that come with change because after all, I am a human being. How I relate to these emotions is important. Do I get attached to them and let them pull me down or experience them and move forward? It takes time to learn to observe and experience the emotions ‘as is’ rather than getting engulfed by them. You can call this living in the moment or living to the fullest, life is a journey of ups and downs and, it’s best to just flow with it.

Anchoring internally is a process of taking leadership of your thoughts, emotions, breath and actions. There are many tools and techniques available for anchoring internally. When we act in alignment with our skills, talent, strengths, work becomes effortless. Further, when we observe life objectively, we can identify patterns to harness opportunities. And pausing intermittently to catch our breath helps to calm the anxiety and fear of unknown.

Life doesn’t just happen; it takes courage and consistent effort to make it happen. It starts with commitment to a higher vision that gives a sense of purpose to wake up every morning passionately motivated and excited. This enables you to explore curiously and vulnerably for ways to achieve that vision. Of course, its not possible to know or do everything, so collaboration and inclusion of diversity becomes the best strategy. This is possible when we live with awareness of self and others. Engaging with others compassionately helps to develop relationships of trust. The more you expand your awareness, the easier it becomes to be masterful and joyful.

The last 2 years have filled some people with fear, while there are others who believe they want to make the most of life since life is unpredictable. To flow freely and take leaps of faith fearlessly, anchor internally and develop self awareness to understand that you are a manifestation of Nature who cannot escape change and transformation. Stop trying to control life, instead open your heart to the abundance of life and celebrate the dynamism that allows you to experience life to the fullest.



Arka Leadership

To develop authentic leaders in the world, who live life successfully and joyfully.